

Introducing the 2021 Young Logistics Programme Day

At the FIATA World Congress (FWC), an entire day is dedicated to young freight forwarders around the world. Given the dynamic and diverse nature of the industry, the Young Logistics Programme (YLP) Day provides participants from universities and logistics companies with concrete benefits they can use in their daily practice.


This year, the Young FORWARD Committee of the Belgian Association hosting the FWC is introducing the YPL challenge, which will be based on concrete business cases managed by logistics companies. The YPL challenge will bring young people to work together for a short period of time and will provide a creative solution for specific problems, seeking to not only get creative ideas but also targeted solutions to complex problems.

Sustainability at the core of the YLP challenge

In line with the 2021 FWC theme ‘the changing climate of logistics’, the YLP challenge will give sustainability top billing. The United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved globally by 2030.

The Young FORWARD Committee has identified the following SDGs as main priorities for the logistics industry:

  • Quality education (development of corporate talent policy; best practice for remote work; sustainable logistics course; etc.),
  • Decent work and economic growth (digitization and innovation; work life balance; increasing productivity; etc.),
  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure (digitization; sustainable transport planning; etc.),
  • Responsible consumption and production (paperless office; waste policy; reverse logistics; CO2 reduction; 3D, printing; etc.),
  • Climate action (CO2 reduction; corporate sustainability projects; etc.).

Calling on business cases from young talents

Universities and companies looking to be showcased in front of a large, young and innovative community are encouraged to submit their business cases linked to one of the previously mentioned SDGs – or a logistics issue that has been around for a long time and which requires a creative solution.