
Transport Legislation and usefull platforms

Road transport:

  Convention on the Contract for the International Carrieage of Goods by Road CMR    

  Convention TIR (the text of Convention in six languages can be found on the UNECE website )

  ADR applicable as from 1 January 2019    

 ADR Platforn for calculation of limited quality in transport unit 

Rail transport:

 Convention  COTIF 1999   


  RID 2019 

 DIUMМ table

Ocean and Inland Waterway:

 IMDG Code for Windows Version V14 (Amendment 39-18)

  Haga-Visby Rules

 Hambrurg Rulls

 Rotterdam Rules

 IMDG Code in the Amendment 39-18 update

 Budapest Convention (CMNI)

Amendments to ADN 2017

ADN 2017 volume 2 


Air transport:

 Montreal Convention

 Law for Civil Aviation

 IATA DGR significant changes to the 60th edition, effective 1 January 2019

Customs Information Platforms:

 TARIC  (Integrated Tariff of the European Communities)

 AEO  (Authorised Economic Operators)

 Customs Offices  

 EBTI  (European Binding Tariff Information)

 ECICS  (European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances)

 EORI  (Economic Operators Identification and Registration number)



 QUOTA  (Tariff quotas and ceilings)


 SUSPENSIONS (Autonomous Tariff Suspensions)

 REX system (The Registered Exporter system)

 SEED  (System for Exchange of Excise Data) 

Other usefull portals:

European e-Justice Porta

 Eur-Lex acess to the EU rights – Official journal

European Union

